Commercial kitchen

Stainless steel meets the requirements in commercial kitchens

Stainless steel meets the requirements in commercial kitchens. When used for appliances like dishwashers, ovens and hobs as well as food preparation surfaces it has to handle everything from wet conditions to flames and freezing temperatures, as well as meeting strict hygiene standards and expectations for durability and long life.

Strong, hygienic and corrosion resistant 

Outokumpu helps the appliance industry meet today’s challenges sustainably with stainless steels designed for exceptional performance, quality and dependability.
Circle Green

Sustainable beyond anything else.

Stand out from the crowd. With Circle Green your appliances are not only the best in quality but the best for the planet too.

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Benefits of using stainless steel in commercial kitchen


  • Work surfaces and wall cladding
  • Hoods and shelves
  • Dishwashers and microwave ovens
  • Refrigerators and freezers
  • Sinks and faucets

High performance

  • An inert material, stainless steel takes heat (even steam) and cold equally well
  • Easily cleaned and maintained for optimal hygiene
  • No discoloration or flavor imparted to food and drink
  • Industry-leading tolerance accuracies
  • Strong and durable lifetime material solution

Customer case highlight

Stainless steel central to the success of Australian public barbecues

Australia’s public barbecue hotplates are a symbol of the country’s outdoor lifestyle. DA Christie is the leading manufacturer of the iconic hotplates and uses Outokumpu Core 4622 stainless steel.


Buying sustainable stainless steel: Five tips for commercial kitchens

Price used to be the most important factor when choosing between different suppliers – but times are changing. An increasing number of customers in the catering industry want to be sure that their products contribute to a sustainable world.

How can you make sure your stainless steel comes with a clean bill of health? See five key tips for commercial kitchens – download our sustainable steel buyer’s guide!

Download the guide

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Why choose stainless steel for catering equipment?

Stainless steel’s exceptional corrosion resistance, strength and durability mean that it will outlast most competing materials, while providing aesthetic appeal in any kitchen environment. A variety of finishes are available from bright to dull and polished, brushed, or patterned to fit any style.

It is easy to keep clean and meets most demanding hygienic requirements thanks to its hard and metallic surface with a passive "self-healing" chromium oxide layer that protects the steel and makes it difficult for bacteria to adhere and survive. Stainless steel is also non-toxic and perfectly neutral in contact with foodstuffs – even with aggressive acids from fruit and vegetables - ensuring that their taste and appearance remain unchanged.

For manufacturers of catering equipment, stainless steel is good for forming into complex shapes, although it should be noted that the level of formability depends on the grade selected. Outokumpu is the industry leader in sustainability as our stainless steel has the lowest carbon footprint in the industry. Our stainless steel contains the highest proportion of recycled content on the market with over 85 %, and we keep pushing this further to conserve virgin raw materials.

Work surfaces, various appliances, sinks and hoods benefit from Outokumpu’s austenitic and ferritic Moda and Core products from coil and sheet, while faucets are made from stainless steel bar.


Safe and hygienic choice for all needs

One of the key advantages of stainless steel is that it is easy to keep clean for maximum hygiene. This is due to its smooth non-porous surface that prevents aggressive liquids like tomato juice or acid juices permeating into the material.


High performance and low maintenance

Thanks to its strength, durability and corrosion resistance stainless steel has a long service life. Stainless steel is protected by a "self-healing" passive layer, so it lasts much longer than competing steel materials protected by coatings, as they wear off over time.


Stainless steel is sustainable

Our stainless steel contains the highest proportion of recycled content on the market: over 85%. We are also Europe's largest recycler in the industry and committed to reach carbon neutrality by 2050.


Where food is prepared, germs have no business

“Hygiene is a no-compromise priority for us. Absolutely no structural defects can be tolerated in food-handling surfaces. If food residues build up in cracks or cavities, germs breed and people get sick,” cautions Jouni Lievonen, CEO of Kavika – a 70-year-old Finnish producer of industrial kitchen equipment combining extreme durability with perfect functionality and exact dimensioning. Read the case


Beyond simple material supply

Our Service Centers work closely with you to deliver tailor-made parts, and a wide range of options for surface finishes. We have extensive experience in testing and recommending stainless steels in many major home appliance and catering environments. Our team of highly skilled experts in forming, welding and corrosion resistance can provide solutions for even the most demanding applications.

We deliver professional help based on your needs, not only in material selection but also in planning, logistics advice and adapted service for optimal products, cost-efficient operations, and well-planned deliveries. Wherever in the world you may be, we are just around the corner.

Case Kavika hygienic fixtures

No chance for germs


Answering consumer demand for sustainability

Case racecar trailer

From grease to glamour


Mori 2A serves up sustainability


Appliances that don’t compromise on the environment

Case Temoco

Adding a sustainable touch to the Nordic’s leading bars


All-round excellence combined with cost-competitiveness with Core 4622


Providing appliance OEMs with a sustainability edge

Case Fiskars Group

Towards cookware that lasts generations: Fiskars Group makes long-lasting pans and...

Recommended products

Cold rolled coil, strip and sheet
Hot rolled coil, strip and plate
Outokumpu Circle Green


Environmental product declaration - Cold rolled
Environmental product declaration - Hot rolled
BRE – Certified environmental product declaration (EPD) – Stainless steel reinforcing bar – Outokumpu Sheffield
Safety information sheet for stainless steel in Europe
RoHS 2018
A selection of Stainless steel complying with BASTA and BVB