Outokumpu contributes to several United Nations’ sustainable development goals either through the way we operate or through our products.



Products: Stainless steel is the only long-lasting material for many applications of clean energy, e.g. 
solar farms and biofuels.

Operations:  We follow sustainable energy supply practices to gain secure and stable energy.

Highlight in 2024: Share of low-emission electricity was 90%.





Products: Stainless steel is a key element in building a modern, efficient and well-being society.
We contribute to the community well-being through direct and indirect employment, taxes and other involvement.

Highlight in 2024: We employed directly over 8,300 employees and progressed well towards a diversity target of adding 100 diverse leaders by the end of 2025 compared to the baseline in July 2022, having added 55. Our employee engagement index remained high at 76.





Products: Due to its excellent properties, stainless steel is a key material in sustainable industrialization and modern infrastructure.

Operations: We have a long history in developing new steel grades. We work closely with customers to find the most sustainable material solutions. 
Highlight in 2024:
 Through our low-emission stainless steel, we enabled customers to reduce their supply chain emissions by 10 million tonnes in 2024.




Products: Our stainless steel has a high recycled content rate, over 90%. Stainless steel is also the single most recycled material globally.

Operations: Our business is based on the circular economy. Our mills are among the biggest material recycling facilities in the world. 

Highlight in 2024: Outokumpu achieved its record high recycled material content rate of 95%.




Products: Our stainless steel helped our customers’ reduce their carbon emissions by 12 million tons in 2023.

Operations:  We have an ambitious climate target aligned with 1.5°C and we are committed to reducing emission intensity across all scopes by 42% by 2030 from the 2016 baseline. 

Highlight in 2024: Outokumpu reduced emission intensity by 32% from the 2016 baseline. We also aim to reach carbon neutrality of the Kemi mine by the end of 2025.




SDG 17 logo 

Products: We are working together with our customers and partners to decarbonize different industries. 

Operations: We are committed to global sustainability frameworks and to partnering with our whole value chain to drive sustainable development. 
Highlight in 2024: From the automotive industry to cookware, we partnered with Siemens, thyssenkrupp, Boysen Group and Fissler, among others, with products made of Circle Green.