- The minimum age for working at Avesta Works is 18 years. Required for being a trainee is to reach the age of at least 16 years during the calendar year. For visitors, the minimum age is 12 years.
- Alcohol or drugs are not permitted in Avesta Works, whether for own consumption or for sale. It is also prohibited to be at the site under the influence of these (limit for alcohol 0.2 per mille). Tests are performed in the event of serious incidents and accidents, in case of suspicion, as well as randomly.
- Smoking is only allowed in the designated areas.
- Photographing at Avesta Works is only permitted for Avesta Works employees, if the images are intended to be used as an aid in the work of the company (provided that the Operations Manager/Function Manager for the area have been asked). Photographing for external use may be done only with the Site Manager's authorization.
- It is not permitted to connect computers onto Outokumpu's network without the approval of IT. Consultants shall firstly use the standard equipment that is provided by Outokumpu. If consultants need to connect their computers on to Outokumpu's network, the buyer of the consulting services must notify IT before connection is made
Personal protective equipment
In addition to comprehensive clothing the protective equipment below shall be used in all production facilities, as well as in the Scrapyard.


Eye protection - Safety goggles/visors. Can be integrated in the helmet or loose.

Hearing protection - Ear plugs or earmuffs.

Protective footwear
- In other premises, such as workshops, comprehensive clothing, protective footwear, as well as other protective equipment that the work requires shall be used. Helmet shall be used in workshops where there are cranes.
- In certain work, other protective equipment can be necessary depending on the nature of the work.
- Visitors who follow visiting paths shall bear helmets, eye protection, as well as safety coat or vest. If the need for entering into the production exists, regular protective equipment is required as described above.
- Contractors provide their employees with personal protective equipment.
- Applicable for truck drivers is that safety vest/jacket shall even be used for loading and unloading in the area.
- Outdoors high visibility clothes must be worn. The level of visibility should match the level of visibility for level 2. To meet the requirements, either of following must be fulfilled:
- A garment at upper body with visibility matching level 2.
- A combination of reflexes/ fluorescent color at upper- and lower body matching level 2 together. NOTE! There must be visibility at upper body. A pant with high visibility combined with for instance a black shirt is therefore not enough.
- Note that high vis vest indoors is only permitted at marked visitor paths.
*Level 2 meets a level of 0,13 m2 reflective material combined with 0,5 m2 fluorescent color as a total on the body.
Traffic is often lively and the number of vehicles in the area shall, as far as possible, be limited. In order to drive a vehicle* onto the site, special authorization is required, a so-called car pass. Contact your nearest manager (or contact person for contractors) for assistance with application for car pass.
As a road user in Avesta Works industrial area, you have the same rules to abide by as in traffic outside of the area.

The maximum permissible speed is 30 km/h in the area, except for a distance of Stålverksgatan ("Ringvägen") where the maximum speed is 50 km/h).
- Caravans or mobile homes may not be brought into the area, nor may they park for housing on any of Avesta Works' parking lots outside of the area.
- Due to fire insurance reasons, private motor vehicles, including mopeds, may not, under any circumstances, be brought into and set up on the company's premises that are not intended as garages.
- Targeted controls of speed, parking and vehicle (when leaving) are routinely carried out by Avesta Works' security company. This is to minimize the risks of accidents, as well as thefts. The driving permit can be suspended if you do not follow the applicable rules.
By keeping in order tools, materials and the like you prevent accidents, fire and environmental incidents.
- Keep order while working and remove your own material and equipment, as well as straighten up the workplace after completion of work.
- After completion of work on cranes, rafters, walkways or other work at height, it is particularly important that things that can fall are not left behind. For contractors, it is their work management that is responsible for the workplace being controlled so that material, tools or similar have not been forgotten.
- No material may be placed closer than 3 meters from the railway track center (free room), risk of crushing railway staff.
Waste management
Waste is sorted in the intended vessels. Wrongly sorted waste may cause significant costs and it is therefore important to sort waste correctly.
Hazardous waste, such as degreasers, oil filters, paint waste, solvents, mercury lamps, fluorescent tubes, washing liquid, water chemicals and electronic scrap, are to be left at Avesta's environmental station, next to the degreaser by the Hot rolling mill.
All thefts are reported to the police. Store goods, tools and equipment that are attractive for theft under supervision during work hours. Store them locked up after work hours.
If the contractor discovers theft of their property, they report this to the police, as well as inform the EHSE department. To be able to begin immediate control of exit access, thefts shall always be communicated to the main gate.
Disciplinary measures
In case of violation of the applicable protection and safety regulations at Avesta Works, the following disciplinary measures apply.
- Reprimand
- Written warning
- Termination/dismissal. (For contractors the contract is ended)
Online safety course and knowledge test
To receive your certificate, read through the following sections and then take the knowledge test:
2. General