
Our stainless steel enables modern society through versatile applications in a wide range of environments. 

Choosing the right stainless steel grade is the key to maximize performance and minimize cost in any industry. Outokumpu experts are ready to help you make the best choice for your needs. 


Corrosion-resistant, easy to clean, strong and formable: Stainless steel delivers durable, timeless perfection and beauty. 

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Automotive and transportation

Carrying us further and taking us where we need to be requires a material that can endure enormous forces, yet at the same time, be light and flexible. The durability and strength of low-weight stainless steel enable optimum performance.

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Building and infrastructure

We want to leave an unforgettable legacy. We want to be proud of what we did and how we did it. Through your work, you tell stories, and true visions are crafted from stainless steel.

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Energy and heavy industry

The backbone of our everyday life has to be unbreakable. The need for durability and innovative thinking in this industry are on a different scale, and  stainless steel gives you total control.

Learn more about Energy industry

Learn more about Heavy industry

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